31. März 2017 | 08:00 | Kategorie:

Buchtipp: Mountain Aesthetics

Zu Gast im TirolBerg in St. Moritz war kürzlich auch William M. Barton vom Institut für neulateinische Studien am Ludwig Boltzmann Institut. Sein Buch „Mountain Aesthetics in Early Modern Latin History“ sei all jenen empfohlen, die das Thema Berg einmal aus einer anderen Perspektive betrachten wollen:

„In the late Renaissance and Early Modern period, man’s relationship to nature changed dramatically. An important part of this change occurred in the way that beauty was perceived in the natural world and in the particular features which became privileged objects of aesthetic gratification. This study explores the shift in aesthetic attitude towards the mountain that took place between 1450 and 1750. Over the course of these 300 years the mountain transformed from a fearful and ugly place to one of beauty and splendor.“ (c) Routledge

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