10. November 2017 | 08:00 | Kategorie:

Buchtipp: Geographies of Tourism and Global Change

Wie wirkt sich die Globalisierung auf den Tourismus aus? Wie wirken Globalisierung und Tourismus zusammen? Der Sammerlband „Geographies of Tourism and Global Change“, herausgegeben von Dieter K. Müller, Jarkko Saarinen und Carolin Funck geht diesen spannenden Fragen wissenschaftlich auf den Grund:

In a geographical tradition and using an integrated approach this book series addresses these issues by acknowledging the interrelationship of tourism to wider processes within society and environment. This is done at local, regional, national, and global scales demonstrating links between these scales as well as outcomes of global change for individuals, communities, and societies. Local and regional factors will also be considered as mediators of global change in tourism geographies affecting communities and environments. Thus Geographies of Tourism and Global Change applies a truly global perspective highlighting development in different parts of the world and acknowledges tourism as a formative cause for societal and environmental change in an increasingly interconnected world.

The scope of the series is broad and preference will be given to crisp and highly impactful work. Authors and Editors of monographs and edited volumes, from across the globe are welcome to submit proposals. The series insists on a thorough and scholarly perspective, in addition authors are encouraged to consider practical relevance and matters of subject specific importance. All titles are thoroughly reviewed prior to acceptance and publication, ensuring a respectable and high quality collection of publications. (c) Springer Gabler


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Geographies of Tourism and Global Change (c) Springer Gabler


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